
Rimani aggiornato con le news e le iniziative di Fondazione Casa Marta


We are happy to have joined the Palliative Care Federation

Together we can do more: share and access new resources and knowledge, participate in high-level training and information events with the aim of ensuring that the right to support is increasingly accessible to children suffering from serious illnesses and their families.

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XXX SICP Congress

The protection of dignity represents the founding core of modern Palliative Care and alongside it complexity, a term that increasingly characterizes our present in many fields.

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Casa Marta for #Giro d’Italia CPP2023

Fondazione Casa Marta, on the occasion of the national event “Giro d’Italia CPP 2023”, enthusiastically accepted the call to participate and promote knowledge of pediatric palliative care by organizing three events in the Florentine area, sponsored by Fondazione Il Cuore si scioglie, with the patronage of the Municipality of Florence, the Tuscany Region and shared with many associations linked to dance and sport.

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Add a dish to the table

The new solidarity campaign in favor of Casa Marta brings charity to the table: an initiative that is good for everyone, where even a small contribution is important to carry out a social responsibility project for Tuscany.

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At Christmas Unicoop reveals the recipe for solidarity for Casa Marta

The recipe of solidarity for Casa Marta: an inspired chef like Luisanna Messeri and the good ingredients of Tuscany for a maxi panettone distributed in all Unicoopfi

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“When love and expertise work together, you expect a masterpiece”

This sentence contains the whole spirit of the XXIX SICP National Congress which was held in Riccione from 17 to 19 November

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The Sancascianese Volunteer Festival for Casa Marta

The Sancasciano Volunteer Festival, led by President Daniele Cavari, this year dedicates its annual fundraiser in favor of Casa Marta, the first pediatric hospice in Tuscany.

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Posata la prima pietra di Casa Marta

Casa Marta, the first stone of the pediatric hospice laid. It is the first in Tuscany, at the international avant-garde. Work is starting today, it will be completed by 2023 and start-up in 2024.

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Cassa di Risparmio Firenze Foundation supports Casa Marta

Fondazione CR Firenze with great attention and sensitivity has chosen to support our ambitious Casa Marta project – the first pediatric hospice in Tuscany.

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Cure Palliative

Palliative care in childhood. There are still many serious shortcomings to be addressed.

About 30,000 minors in Italy are affected by incurable diseases. It is estimated that no more than 15% of them have access to it.

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Casa Marta_firma protoccolo

Agreement signed between Meyer Children’s Hospital and Casa Marta Foundation

Today the new phase of advancement of the path that will lead Tuscany to equip itself with the first regional pediatric hospital Casa Marta kicks off.

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The call of the Italian Pediatric Hospitals at the Spoleto Festival

“The right to pediatric palliative care must be effectively guaranteed to children, also through the creation of pediatric hospices dedicated to the youngest, in many parts of our country”.

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